Addressing the Gender Disparity in Technology

In an era where technological advancement is paramount, a critical issue looms large in the tech industry: the persistent gender gap. Despite strides in diversity and inclusion, women in tech face unique challenges that not only hinder their careers but also impact the sector's innovation and growth. A groundbreaking study by the Fawcett Society and Virgin Media O2 sheds light on this pressing matter, unveiling strategies that could revolutionise the industry
Picture of Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Editor In Chief at The Executive Magazine

A recent study conducted by the Fawcett Society in collaboration with Virgin Media O2 has brought to light the pervasive issue of a 'tech bro' culture, which is contributing to an exodus of women from the technology sector. This trend is not only alarming due to the inherent gender bias it reflects, but also because it represents a significant los...


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