The Xara Collection has unveiled its latest gem, Villa Barumbara Tal-Larinġ, marking a new pinnacle in luxury hospitality on the enchanting island of Malta. Nestled between the picturesque villages of Rabat and Siggiewi, this villa promises an opulent retreat with state-of-the-art amenities, stunning gardens, and a wealth of services designed to of...
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Discover Unmatched Luxury at Malta’s Villa Barumbara Tal-Larinġ
A new pinnacle of luxury awaits discerning travellers on the enchanting island of Malta. The Xara Collection proudly presents Villa Barumbara Tal-Larinġ, an exquisite retreat nestled amidst the charming villages of Rabat and Siggiewi. This villa combines state-of-the-art amenities with breathtaking natural beauty, offering guests a unique blend of modern opulence and timeless elegance
Aleks Bond
Luxury Travel Editor at The Executive Magazine