Glowing Ventures: PoB Hotels Unveils Holistic Wellness Journey

In a resplendent meld of luxury hospitality and holistic wellness, PoB Hotels is set to kindle a new era of rejuvenating getaways with its latest collaboration. Teaming up with the wellness maestro, Madeleine Shaw, creator of The Glow Space, this venture promises indulgent treatments and nourishing gourmet experiences
Picture of Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Editor In Chief at The Executive Magazine

Leading the way in exquisite hospitality across the British Isles, PoB Hotels is thrilled to announce its latest venture, "Get the Glow with PoB Hotels," crafted in an avant-garde collaboration with The Glow Space’s luminary, Madeleine Shaw.

Shaw, a distinguished nutritionist and revered instructor of yoga and Pilates, has penned three insi...


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