Poor Management Drives a Third of UK Employees to Resign

In a striking revelation, a third of UK’s workforce has waved goodbye to their jobs, driven away by the ghost of poor management haunting the nation's workplaces. The spotlight now shines harshly on the 82% of ‘accidental managers’, stepping into roles without the armour of formal training, leaving a trail of disenchanted employees in their wake
Picture of Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Editor In Chief at The Executive Magazine

A recent study unveils the pervasive discontent regarding managerial expertise, with a staggering 82% of supervisors identified as ‘accidental’, lacking formal training.

An unsettling 33% of UK employees confess to leaving a job due to an adverse work environment, a fresh survey reveals, highlighting the peril of managers failing to curb harmfu...


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