In late 2012, Dave Wilson embarked on developing a new WAMM, aiming to redefine music reproduction with unprecedented accuracy. This new reference loudspeaker was intended to surpass the revolutionary WAMM of the early 80s. Dave anticipated that the new model would challenge his company in unforeseen ways.
Unexpected obstacles and personal challenges marred the project. A major setback occurred in late 2013 when Dave fell off a roof, resulting in severe injuries and a prolonged recovery. Despite this, his wife Sheryl Lee and son Daryl supported him. Sheryl Lee assisted in his recovery, while Daryl, an accomplished loudspeaker designer, continued working on the WAMM alongside his father.
Daryl had been integral to Wilson Audio, contributing to the Duette Series 2, Sasha Series 2, Sabrina, Alexia Series 2, and Yvette. While Dave focused on the WAMM, Daryl headed the design of the ALEXX, a MAXX replacement. This collaboration planted the seeds for Daryl’s flagship loudspeaker. Following the WAMM’s completion, Daryl dedicated a year to upgrading the Sasha platform.
As Dave’s health issues became more acute, he passed the baton to Daryl, who was promoted to Vice President of New Product Development and eventually CEO. This period was transformative for Daryl, honing his design and leadership skills amidst adversity. His designs, including the Sasha DAW introduced in 2018, achieved critical and commercial success.
The WAMM Master Chronosonic, retailing at $850,000, remains Dave’s statement on music reproduction, produced in limited pairs. For Daryl and Wilson Audio, each WAMM symbolises Dave’s passion for redefining music reproduction without cost or practicality constraints. This perfectionist culture significantly influenced Daryl’s principles.
In 2018, after completing the Sasha DAW, Daryl began designing his statement loudspeaker. This led to a wave of research and innovation, resulting in the Chronosonic XVX. This new flagship incorporates unprecedented technology, features, and manufacturing processes, setting a new standard in music reproduction.
Introducing Chronosonic XVX
Daryl Wilson’s uncompromising approach led to the creation of the Chronosonic XVX, utilising technology from the WAMM. This loudspeaker incorporates more innovations than any previous model, second only to the WAMM in realistic music reproduction and emotional expression.
Innovative Details
• Alnico QuadraMag™ Midrange Driver: Developed by Dave Wilson and Vern Credille, this driver combines Alnico magnets in a re-imagined geometry, offering unparalleled natural beauty, harmonic integrity, musicality, low distortion, and ultra-high resolution.
• MTMM Upper Array Geometry: The XVX array features a refined MTMM (midrange, tweeter, midrange) arrangement, enhancing time-domain accuracy. The new QuadraMag driver joins forces with a modified 4” midrange and the Convergent Synergy Mk.5 tweeter, providing exceptional adjustability and sound optimisation.
• Convergent Synergy Mk.5 Tweeter: This tweeter, refined by Daryl, seamlessly integrates with the QuadraMag midrange, offering coherency and musicality. The rear-firing ambiance tweeter features adjustable attenuation for precise tuning.
• AudioCapX: Wilson’s in-house designed and manufactured crossover capacitors, AudioCapX-WA, enhance harmonic beauty, low noise floor, and crossover consistency.
• Coolfall® Lighting System: Developed in collaboration with Coolfall, the Sono 1 lighting system aids in the precise setup of the time-domain array.
• Woofers from the WAMM Master Chronosonic: The XVX incorporates ten- and twelve-inch woofers optimised for speed and authority, enhancing bottom octave musicality and accuracy.
• Cross-Load Flow Port (XLF): This system allows users to choose between front or rear-firing port configurations, adapting to various room acoustics.
• Composite Enclosure: Using a combination of X- and S-Material composites and aerospace aluminium, Wilson continues its innovative material research to improve musical accuracy.
• WilsonGloss™ Premium Pearl: This multi-stage paint process enhances the aesthetic appeal, with five new premium colours offering unparalleled sophistication and beauty.
• Enclosure Type: Midrange Modules: Rear Vented, X&S-Material; Tweeters: Sealed Enclosures, X-Material; Woofer Module: XLF Ported, X-Material.
• Drivers: 10.5 inches & 12.5 inches Paper Pulp Woofers, 4 inches Paper Pulp Composite Upper Mid-Range, (2) 7 inches Paper Pulp Composite Lower Mid-Range, 1 inch Doped Silk Fabric Tweeter (Mk5), 1 inch Doped Silk Fabric Rear Firing Tweeter (Mk5).
• Dimensions: Height: 73 5/8 inches, Width: 16 1/2 inches, Depth: 33 inches.