In the vibrant heart of Miami’s Brickell neighbourhood, the latest venture by renowned "Gypsy Chef" David Myers has emerged as a pinnacle of culinary innovation. Since its opening in July 2023 on the 25th floor of the luxurious Hotel AKA Brickell, this restaurant has captivated the city's dining scene with its unique interpretation of Mediterranean...
Elevated Elegance: A Mediterranean Masterpiece in Miami’s Brickell Neighbourhood
Discover a culinary oasis in Miami's Brickell neighbourhood, where renowned "Gypsy Chef" David Myers introduces an exceptional Mediterranean dining experience. Perched on the 25th floor of Hotel AKA Brickell, this new establishment merges breathtaking views with a tapestry of flavours, inviting guests on a gastronomic journey that epitomises sophistication and culinary innovation in the heart of Miami
Aleks Bond
Luxury Travel Editor at The Executive Magazine