How remote working is damaging women’s career prospects

In the modern era, the traditional office walls have dissolved, giving way to digital workspaces that promise flexibility and a healthier work-life balance. As we navigate through this virtual shift, the spotlight is glaringly cast on an unexpected narrative - the gendered implications of remote work. While it's touted as a gateway to equitable opportunities, for many women, the digital realm seems to echo the biases of the physical workspace
Picture of Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Editor In Chief at The Executive Magazine

In the wake of the pandemic, the traditional office environment metamorphosed into virtual spaces, blurring the lines between home and work. The shift, while sudden, was embraced as it promised a better work-life balance. However, as the dust settles, a nuanced narrative is emerging, particularly around gender dynamics. Remote working, hailed as t...


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