Molly Ferncombe
Features Editor
With a career spanning diverse industries, Molly has worked with renowned clients, from major tourist destinations to lifestyle brands and celebrities. As a contributing Features Editor for The Executive Magazine, Molly has authored numerous insightful articles on digital marketing, driven by a passion for crafting words that create meaningful impact.
Starting her journey at a multi award-winning creative agency in Manchester, Molly has honed her skills as a Content Producer, collaborating with a variety of clients to deliver tailored, authentic content across multiple platforms. This adaptability has been key in shaping her approach to marketing, ensuring each campaign resonates deeply with its intended audience.
Now based in Australia, Molly is determined to break into the local marketing industry, aiming to make waves by creating innovative and impactful marketing campaigns.
Starting her journey at a multi award-winning creative agency in Manchester, Molly has honed her skills as a Content Producer, collaborating with a variety of clients to deliver tailored, authentic content across multiple platforms. This adaptability has been key in shaping her approach to marketing, ensuring each campaign resonates deeply with its intended audience.
Now based in Australia, Molly is determined to break into the local marketing industry, aiming to make waves by creating innovative and impactful marketing campaigns.