Adapting Workplaces for an Ageing and Tech-Driven World

The future of work is undergoing a dramatic transformation, driven by the twin forces of an ageing population and rapid technological advancements. With 22% of the global population expected to be over 60 by 2050 and AI revolutionising job roles, the way we work is poised for a fundamental shift. For business leaders, this presents both challenges and unprecedented opportunities to innovate and foster sustainable careers across diverse generations
Picture of Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Editor In Chief at The Executive Magazine

Pre-pandemic discussions on the future of work frequently centred on increased flexibility, remote work, and reduced working hours. The advent of Covid-19 accelerated these changes, compelling organisations to swiftly adapt. Remote work became the norm, and technology became integral to all facets of our jobs, marking a significant shift in work d...


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