The New Exodus: Overworked and Underpaid, Employees Seek Better Horizons

Amidst relentless cost pressures and evolving workplace dynamics, a new wave of resignations is on the horizon. Employees, feeling increasingly overworked and underpaid, are once again eyeing the exit door. The recent findings from PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes & Fears Survey reveal a significant uptick in the number of workers planning to switch jobs compared to the height of the Great Resignation in 2022
Picture of Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Elizabeth Jenkins-Smalley

Editor In Chief at The Executive Magazine

The Great Resignation of the pandemic years may still be unfolding. An increasing number of employees are reconsidering their options as they feel overworked and underpaid amid relentless cost pressures.

Auditor PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes & Fears Survey, published Tuesday, highlights that more people are contemplating resignation now than...


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